Joined JCP for Participation in JSR321

I have joined the Java Community Process (JCP) which is a platform for creation, review and approval of java specifcations in the form of Java Specification Requests (JSRs). My motivation is to participate in JSR321 “Trusted Computing”. The official description is as follows:

“The Trusted Computing Group developed a standard API for accessing Trusted Computing functionality from applications, the Trusted Software Stack (TSS). The TSS is targeted at applications written in the C-language. To make use of TC-functionality from Java, two groups have developed prototype solutions:

  • MIT CSAIL has developed TMP/J, an object-oriented API using Java for low-level access to the TPM.
  • IAIK, Graz University of Technology has developed the jTSS-Wrapper, a Wrapper making standard TSS implementations accessible from Java, and also jTSS, a native implementation of the TCG Software Stack.

The TSS-based activities followed the C-Specifications of the TCG, the resulting API obviously is not ideal for the Java world. The proposed JSR is to develop a Trusted Software Stack for Java providing comparable functionality the TSS offers to the C world.”

In simple words, the JSR aims to create a new Java namespace called javax.trustedComputing for the Java SE/EE platforms. See more about the JSR at:

I have been added to the JSR Expert Group on and await the completion of my agreement with Sun for formal induction in the JSR at JCP.