Update: If you are interested in getting a running start to machine learning and deep learning, I have created a course that I’m offering to my dedicated readers for just $9.99. Access it here on Udemy. If you are only here for Matlab, continue reading =]
I had trouble getting Matlab 7 to work with Windows 7 RC even after setting the compatibility options. So, after a bit of search, here’s the solution (copied from ELFEHRIJ on http://bit.ly/Jt7ij with some minor changes).
After installing Matlab (use Classic Windows Theme if you have problems with the installer):
- To use Matlab with other windows 7 themes you have to change Java VM used by matlab.
- Download latest Java version and install it.
- Go to <Matlab-installation-dir>\sys\java\jre\win32 you will find a folder named jre1.5.0_07 (or a similar version). Rename it to Original_<whatever was originally there>
- Go to C:\Program Files\Java you will find file named jre6. Copy it to <Matlab-installation-dir>\sys\java\jre\win32 and rename it to <original jre directory name>
This will ensure that Matlab uses the new JRE instead of the old one. Just start Matlab now!
Update: Thanks to “ra” and larry for the corrections.